Tuesday 9 April 2019

Driving behaviour in different countries

Driving behaviours vary from country to country. It also have a lot to do with the mentality and attitude of the drivers. In developed countries like Japan, UK and Germany the drivers obey the laws and will often follow a certain etiquette when it comes to driving. This behaviour varies tremendously and can sometimes be very shocking.

Lets break it down by several countries that I have observed:

- China (Shanghai, Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Beijing) : Car ownership is still relatively new and having a driving license is also new for many people in China. In the earlier years (around year 2000) the driving behaviour was atrocious as the drivers had zero respect for traffic laws, often drove against the flow of traffic to save time or to take a short cut. The accident rates were extremely high and resulted in high number of road fatalities. Ever since the Chinese Government's move to install millions of CCTV on highways and on city streets and impose heavy punishment on bad driving or breaking traffic laws the accident rates dropped significantly and the drivers now behave themselves and observe traffic laws.

- India (new Delhi & Bangalore): due to bad town planning and narrow streets the traffic is always bad in all major Indian cities. A two lane wide road will end up having 5 cars squeezing across the 2 lanes. The drivers still try to find short cuts even if it means driving against the flow of traffic. The driving speeds are generally very slow due to heavy congestion but the behaviours of the drivers don't help he situation. Seeing an already congested intersection the drivers will still drive their cars into the congested intersection to make it worse instead of waiting for the next traffic light change. The road conditions and the presence of cows on the road makes situation worse. Badly maintained heavy vehicles and trucks that regularly break down further amplifies the already terrible situation.

- Manila, Jakarta & Bangkok: In cities like Manila where town planning is bad due to prior corruption of politicians the traffic situation will never improve and it is like a perpetual traffic jam every day. The presence of Jeepneys (modified mini bus) that stop randomly makes traffic problem an endless ordeal. There is little to no chance of driving fast and the impatience of the drivers don't help the situation. The traffic police can do little to help the situation since the town planning is the biggest cause of traffic problems.

- Turkey (Istanbul) : by far the most dangerous place to drive. Almost every person driving a car is holding on to their phone texting another person or talk on the phone while the other hand is trying to steer the car or change gears (manual transmission). The drivers are very aggressive and drive extremely fast in narrow streets without fear of hitting pedestrians and have zero navigation planning. They would start driving and then try to find their destination on their phones instead of finding the destination on their phone's GPS before start driving. The cars would meander from lane to lane as the driver is too distracted with their phone to drive safely. Many cars have some sort of accident damage. It is evidence of how bad the driving conditions are in Turkey. The drivers are aggressive and are always in the hurry. Driving against the flow of traffic is common in Istanbul. the drivers have little to no regard for traffic laws.

- Dubai - It is like an Arab driving syndrome. They are always in a hurry, drive very aggressively and are always talking on the phone. The drivers are always distracted and never focus on driving. The accidents are usually big. Despite having big wide road with near perfect road surfaces the drivers are still crazy and all think they are Formula One drivers. Breaking the speed limit is the norm and way of life!

- Singapore : The punishment for bad driving is severe in Singapore but that doesn't stop the drivers behaving like buffoons when they cross over to Malaysia. Whenever they spot a foreign registered car driving in Singapore the Singaporean driver will want to cut off the foreign car. It is like a game for them. The Singaporean drives will get fined heavily when caught speeding or running red lights but they happily do it in Malaysia thinking that they won't have to pay for traffic offences in Malaysia. It is like a caged animal being let loose again!

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